Tuesday, June 14th, 2016, 1530-1730 at the Finlandia Hall, Helsinki.
The Board of NFOG, auditors, members of the nominating committee, congress president for NFOG 2016 and national delegates (5 from SFOG, 5 from DSOG, 5 from NGF, 5 from SGY and 1 from FÍFK).
The assembly is open to all members of NFOG.
Agenda of the General Assembly
1. Opening of the meeting by the President of NFOG Knut Hordnes
2. Roll call of the delegates
3. Election of chairman and two persons for approving the minutes from the meeting
4. Report of the NFOG Board activity for 2012-2014 presented by the Secretary General
Tone Skeie-Jensen
5. Report from the Scientific Committee presented by Ulrik Schiøler Kesmodel
6. Report from the Educational Committee presented by Tomi Mikkola
7. Report from the Guidelines Committee presented by Niels Uldbjerg
8. Report from the NFOG website presented by Peter Secher
9. Report by NFYOG presented by Anne Cathrine Hoffgaard Munk
10. Report from AOGS (ACTA) presented by the Chief Editor Ganesh Acharya
11. Financial report presented by the Treasurer Thea Lousen
12. Auditors report presented by Johanna Mäenpää
13. Confirmation of the budget and annual fee for the coming period until the next Assembly
of Delegates
14. Proposals from the Nominating Committee to the positions of trust presented by Marit
15. Election of the President of NFOG
16. Election of the Secretary General of NFOG
17. Election of the Treasurer of NFOG
18. Election of the auditors of NFOG
19. NFOG 2018
20. Location of the NFOG 2021 Congress and naming of the Congress President
21. Amendments of the NFOG bylaws
22. Any other business
23. Closing of the meeting
Oslo, April 3rd, 2016
Tone Skeie-Jensen
Secretary General NFOG
Proposals from the Nominating Committee of NFOG for positions of trust
To be elected at the General Assembly, June 14th, 2016
Karen Reinhold Wøjdemann, Denmark
Espen Berner, Norway
Secretary General:
Maija Jakobsen, Finland
Sebastiag Gidlöf, Sweden
Johanna Mäenpää, Finland
Charlotta Grunewald, Sweden
Martin Andresen, Norway (Deputy Auditor)