Kan du eksaminere i Gyn-Obs for EBCOG?

Arbejder du til dagligt med undervisning og eksamination af medicinstuderende, så er her en spændende mulighed for, at lave et stykke internationalt arbejde i forbindelse med en europæisk eksamen i Obstetrik og Gynækologi i EBCOG regi.

Læs invitationen herunder og kontakt DSOG's repræsentant i EBCOG, Charlotte Hasselholt Søgaard på chsogaard@dadlnet.dk, hvis du er interesseret.

Dear Members of EBCOG Council,

After a successful meeting in Torino, on the very day of a successful first EFOG-EBCOG Exam, followed by the socially and scientifically successful Congress, it is time to look at the future.

The Standing Exam Committee is not resting on their laurels, but are looking at the Exams of coming years. For this task, we need to expand the Exam Question Bank.

Thus, I ask you to come forward with 3 names per delegation that are able- and willing- to assist us in producing SBAs, MCQs and EMQs.

We would ask all delegations to furnish us with names and mail-addresses of volunteers for this task, to be directed to the Exam director and his co-workers.

For this task, if necessary, there are tips and instructions to be had at the UEMS/CESMA-website, and we can also recommended the monography byDatta and Mahmood: “SBAs and EMQs for the MRCOG Part 2”,  by Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-874559-4 and other books and tips to be found on the internet. The Director of Examination, Professor Messinis, has also prepared guidance for the volunteers about three different types of the questions and they will be also be sent to the volunteers.

As the Head of the Standing Committee, I ask you to look around your national societies to find assistance for this important tasks, and inform us as soon as possible, to have material to work with when the committee meet in September.

Wishing you all well,

Kind regards

Rolf Kirschner, LRCPS&I, LM, MHA, FEBCOG (Hon)
EBCOG-European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology