As you know, the EBCOG European Congress of Ob/Gyn was due to take place in Istanbul in May 2016. However, we have recently been informed by the ICC Congress Centre there that the Congress area or Congress ‘valley’ in Istanbul will now be closed for security reasons at the time of our Congress next year, because of a United Nations summit. During this period, the area will be considered to be United Nations soil. This means that unfortunately, the ICC is now no longer available.
With the help of the Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (TSOG), we have looked at alternative venues in Istanbul for the same dates. However, despite all our best efforts, it has not proved possible to find a suitable alternative in Turkey.
We have therefore looked elsewhere, and our EBCOG member countries and friends have all been very generous and helpful. The Past President of EBCOG, Prof Chiara Benedetto, has been especially generous and so I am delighted to announce that the 24th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology will now be held in the beautiful, culturally rich and vibrant city of Torino, Italy, from 19-21 May 2016 in collaboration with the historical and prestigious University Of Torino, Italy.
This Congress will provide obstetricians and gynaecologists with an invaluable opportunity to enhance their knowledge in the broad domain of our specialty. It will offer participants a unique opportunity to enjoy a high quality scientific programme, Master Classes in the key areas of our specialty and hands on training courses, all of which will be delivered by eminent speakers from all over the world.
The European Board and College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (EBCOG) will also be launching its much awaited specialist examination for young specialists, “European Fellow in Obstetrics and GynaecologyEFOG-EBCOG” at the Congress in Torino on 18th May 2016. Doctors in training anywhere in the world will be able to sit a “Knowledge Based Assessment” examination in Torino during the Congress.
Our rich menu of hands on training sessions will cover all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology. It will include obstetric emergencies, basic obstetric manoeuvres, fetal electronic monitoring, obstetric anal sphincter injuries, post-partum haemorrhage, training and testing sessions in laparoscopic skills, laparoscopic suturing, hysteroscopic skills and urogynaecological surgical skills.
Please don’t miss this great chance to enhance your scientific knowledge, and experience hands on training in many challenging areas of clinical practice. This is an exciting opportunity for you to meet your colleagues from all over the world in the culturally rich vibrant city of Torino, Italy.
As you will understand, this has been a difficult time and between us, we have had to make some hard and uncomfortable decisions. Nonetheless, I sincerely hope and trust that we will have your active and enthusiastic support in making this a truly excellent Congress.
Best regards,
Tahir Mahmood
President of EBCOG