1. There will be 3 prizes of DKK 10.000 for best posters and 3 prizes of DKK 10.000 for best oral presentations. 2.The Ingemar Ingemarsson reward: SEK 10.000 for the best oral obstetrical presentation. 3. The travelling award for oral and poster presentations from the Center for Gender Medicine at Karolinska Institutet. 4. The young scientist award of DKK 20.000. 5. The Acta Prize for most cited article in the preeeding years - DKK 10.000. 6. There will a thesis presentation session where one doctor from each country who has registered her/his thesis at the NFOG thesis registry in 2012 and 2013, will be invited to give a presentation. The NFOG wants to remind new doctors to register their thesis at the NFOG website and that every year one entry will get a prize of DKK 2.500 (thesis lottery).
39th Nordic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Please be aware of the extended deadline for abstract submission: March 7th 2014.
Submit now
There are a number of generous rewards available for participants.